All invoices must be sent to yout buyers or contract managers emails adress, due to the payment date of your invoice is based on the reception date and not to the issue date.
Upon receipt of any Electronic Invoice, our users or Purchasing Engineer issues an acknowledgement of receipt email, which validates its receipt by our company. In case you do not find your invoice published in the supplier portal, please leave your question in the queries section.
The payment term corresponds to the Friday closest from the invoices approval's date.
Purchase Order number Clearly detail the Purchase Order items charged and quantity Waybill number
The invoice must be issued once you receive by e-mail the authorisation to invoice together with the approved Payment Order, which indicates the amount to be invoiced. The authorisation to invoice is sent to the e-mail registered in our system by the supplier, and only once the Progress Payment Statement has been approved by all internal levels in Collahuasi. You must indicate the following data: Payment Order number without dots, spaces or additional characters in the reference field. Contract number in the reference field Progress Payment Statement number and month of service in the legend or description of the invoice.
The electronic invoice must be issued once you receive formal authorisation to invoice by e-mail from the Collahuasi Contract Manager indicated in your Service Order. Service Order number without dots, spaces or additional characters in the reference field. Description of the Service and month of the service in the legend or description of the invoice.
Name of the Collahuasi user who ordered the goods or contracted the services, in the contact field of the invoice header. Cost centre in the legend, which must be requested from the Collahuasi user before invoicing. Description of the Goods or Services Provided in the legend of the invoice.
You should make your enquiries through the quiestions section of this portal, and you should check your answer there.
By default, all payments are made by wire transfer to the account informed to your Collahuasi contact or contract manager.
All invoices registered in our system or ERP, is reported through this portal, in case you do not find your invoice, please make your query in the "Enquiries" section available for these doubts.
All invoices are due for payment 30 days from the date of receipt by our Company. You must count the days from the date of receipt and payment will be made on the Friday closest to that date. If you have any doubts, please leave your query in the "Enquiries" section of this website.
The price difference status indicates that the invoiced amount is not equivalent to the amount entered in the system for that purchase order, it is recommended to contact the supply engineer who issued the purchase order. In case of service orders, this status indicates that the services of the Purchase Order are not received in accordance with the system, so you should contact the Manager of your contract to manage the receipt of the services.
The quantity difference status means that the invoiced products or services are not received satisfactorily in the system, so you cannot proceed with the payment of your invoice. You must contact the supply engineer who issued the Purchase Order enclosing the dispatch note with stamp or signature of receipt or document that validates the acceptance of the service provided.
The "Under review" status indicates that your invoice has been received by Collahuasi and its content is being verified in order to grant its acceptance and enter the payment process.
Reported for approval means that your invoice is in the normal approval process. If your invoice is overdue for payment, please contact the user area that requested your services.
The discrepancy status means that your invoice is in the process of payment, but that the Purchase Order was received by Bodegas Collahuasi with a nonconformity, so you should contact the supply engineer who issued your Purchase Order to find out the cause of this discrepancy.
All invoices when registered in our system or ERP are reflected as entered, because there are reasons that do not allow their approval for payment. To know the specific reasons that prevent its approval, please leave your query in the "Enquiries" section of our portal to obtain more information.
The approved for payment status means that the invoice has been registered in our system and is approved for release for payment within 30 days of receipt.
This status means that your invoice will be paid on the Friday closest to the date of the query.
This status means that your invoice was paid on the Friday closest to the payment date recorded in the system.